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Assistance Dog Academy
Where to start & support
Assistance Dog Awards Criteria (2:23)
Temperament & Vet Check of your assistance dog
Residential Training Stays
Membership cards
Letters of support
Purchase vests, mats, lead slips, badges and rosettes
Access Test
Equalities Act
Code of Ethics
Banned Equipment & Training Methods
Assistance Dog for children
Live Demos
Air travel - British Airways
Confidence Building
Building confidence
Novel Enrichment (4:02)
Cardboard Enrichment (2:58)
Hide n Seek Toys (6:46)
Noisy Pit (3:17)
Spin (4:50)
Over Under (2:45)
Enrichment (2:53)
Sound desensitisation (2:20)
Side Step (6:25)
Box game (9:53)
Pivot (7:02)
All feet on (3:55)
Rear feet on (10:57)
Middle Handling (7:26)
I love my collar grab (5:04)
Noisy Pit (3:17)
Confidence Building DMT (9:21)
Cone Game / muzzle training (3:44)
Foundations for tasks
Touch (6:23)
Paw (2:40)
Lie Flat (6:53)
Rear Shaping (5:19)
Retrieve (6:20)
Box Game (9:53)
Coin Target (11:54)
Nose Targetting (5:36)
Feet up (4:37)
Go to a mark (4:57)
Chin Rest (6:27)
Dig / Wipe Paws (3:34)
Orbit (5:19)
Basic Tasks (content being added every week)
Grab with mouth / Fetch part 1 (2:30)
Fetch an item (part 2 of Grab with mouth) (7:37)
Fetch medicine bottle from cupboard/fridge (6:06)
Take item to designated location (Give wallet to someone, put money on counter) (8:28)
Pick it up (6:47)
Pickup small items (5:14)
Ring a Bell - Turn on a Light (3:29)
Press a light switch (3:29)
Ring bells / tap light with paw (5:18)
Put Toys Away (4:02)
Closing Doors with feet (4:04)
Close the door with nose (12:47)
Open doors (4:37)
Open electric doors
Open doors (Raw training session start to end) (9:14)
Find phone or scented item (keys, medicine) (6:30)
Settle under legs (6:05)
Remove socks (13:26)
Jump up alert (6:57)
Remove blanket (5:02)
Empty washing machine (9:41)
Mobility Support
Brace (5:21)
Go to a mark (Forward Momentum Prerequesit) (4:57)
Feet up (Forward momentum target alternative) (4:37)
Forward momentum (9:26)
Remove blanket (5:02)
Open doors (4:37)
Open electric doors
Close the door with nose (12:47)
Closing Doors with feet (4:04)
Fetch medicine bottle from cupboard/fridge (6:06)
Pickup small items (5:14)
Guide to seating (13:29)
Find the exit (13:31)
Medical Tasks
Medical Detection Webinar
Seizure alert
Leg boop for medical alert
Fetch medicine on alarm (6:52)
Fetch medicine bottle from cupboard/fridge (6:06)
Jump up alert (changes in breathing or other visual cues) (6:57)
Raising legs for fainting response (12:02)
Find a person - Step 1 (6:01)
Lie down next to handler during seizure (coming soon)
Protect handlers head during seizure (7:40)
Interrupt anxiety / self harm : Nudge on cue (7:41)
Interrupt crying / face nudge/lick (4:57)
Jump up to alert to interrupt anxiety (6:57)
Deep Pressure Therapy (4:39)
Crowd Control (5:37)
Crowd Control with Punk the puppy (6:24)
Watch my back (5:18)
Guide to seating (13:29)
Find the exit (13:31)
Hearing support
Find phone or scented item (keys, medicine) (6:30)
Fetch ringing phone (4:29)
Fetch medicine on alarm (6:52)
Remove blanket (5:02)
Wake up on alarm (4:24)
Respond to doorbell (3:54)
Wheelchair Videos
Puppy Intro to the Chair (4:33)
Name Game from the chair (3:46)
Basic heeling (11:29)
Foundations for heeling (8:26)
Manual Wheelchair Heeling Foundations (8:26)
Heeling on the spot (4:35)
Auto Sit (6:11)
Auto stop heeling (6:11)
Walk backwards (5:55)
Rear end awareness basic (5:14)
Hands free training (6:27)
Target training (10:32)
Go round chair (4:31)
Go round chair - in the bigger chair (3:08)
Left & right heel (4:38)
Nudge arm/leg back onto rest (7:11)
Retrieve to feet up (3:52)
Retrieve Series (in progress)
Video 1: The Beanbag (5:29)
Video 2: Pickup and turn (7:08)
Video 3: Hold (5:50)
Video 4: Pick it up (6:47)
Video 5: Hold & Release (5:38)
Scented toy find (6:46)
Assistance Dog Awards
How to submit videos
Assistance Dog Awards (Assistance Dogs Only)
Puppy & Bronze exercises
Award Criteria
Sit & Down (30:51)
Name game / Come (21:26)
Wait (11:47)
Heeling (19:36)
Leave it (30:54)
Play (17:53)
Middle (9:47)
Equipment, Handling & Grooming (7:43)
Door manners (3:22)
Silver Exercises
Come when called (26:54)
Lead walking (22:38)
Controlled greeting (5:23)
Emergency Stop (15:13)
Wait (3:49)
Middle (10:53)
Food refusal (21:47)
Down (11:42)
Auto stop in heel (7:40)
Gold exercises
Come when called (7:15)
Lead walking
Emergency Stop Away (6:24)
Food manners
Settling (39:11)
Wait (7:36)
Middle (4:59)
Confidence Building DMT
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