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Dog Tricks (all of them)
Trick Titles
Trick Titles (8:27)
How to submit your entry
Novice Tricks
Feet up (4:37)
Spin (4:50)
Touch (6:23)
Paw (2:40)
Send To Bed (7:49)
Retrieve (6:20)
Down (16:20)
Get in a box (9:53)
Hoop jump (5:23)
Target Training (10:31)
Ring a bell to go outside (5:18)
Memory game (3:40)
Carpet roll (3:16)
Wall stand (2:31)
Stand (15:19)
Tunnel (6:20)
Hide n seek - Find me (6:24)
Crawl (12:37)
Crawl - free shaped (9:23)
Volleyball (bop it) (8:17)
Disc roller (2:41)
Intermediate Tricks
Go Fly (5:51)
Leg Weaves (5:23)
Closing Doors (4:04)
Sit Pretty (9:15)
Chin Rest (6:27)
Wipe feet (3:34)
Grab It (2:30)
Sustained nose touch (4:32)
Middle & Middle Walking (5:37)
Middle Reverse (6:03)
Look left & right (6:27)
Heart / Nose Boop (7:04)
Wag tail (6:29)
Balance on a peanut / ball (4:17)
Litter in the bin (6:41)
Push a ball - 3 nudges (4:56)
Hoop platform jump (3:56)
Find a toy by name (8:02)
Emergency stop (6:53)
Disc catch (4:21)
Advanced Tricks
Rear Shaping for backup (5:19)
Backup - another way (8:41)
Pivot (7:02)
Scratch Board for claw filing (3:37)
Ring a Bell - Turn on a Light (3:29)
Go to a mark (4:57)
Put Toys Away (4:02)
Open Door (4:37)
Prayers (4:18)
Double hoop circle (3:26)
Remove socks (13:26)
Get phone when it rings (6:30)
Bow (6:46)
Wave (6:01)
Skateboard 2 feet (15:06)
Roll yourself in a blanket (10:36)
Side step crab walk (6:25)
Footsies (5:37)
Hug / Paw Wrap (8:12)
Expert Tricks
Ball in hoop (8:28)
Handstand (9:06)
Orbit (5:19)
Hide eyes (12:51)
Reverse leg weave (6:10)
Backward leg weave - moving (8:14)
Limp (9:45)
Remove clothes from washer / dryer (9:41)
Ring toss (8:53)
Stacking cups (11:43)
Foundations for tricks
Nose Targetting (5:36)
Left & Right (6:27)
Fetch Keys Step 1 (2:30)
Fetch the keys step 2 (7:37)
Live Demo - Go Fly Circular
30 Day Puppy to Pro Challenge - Start here with new puppy
New Puppy Training Plan
Day 1 - Engagement Skills (6:28)
Day 2 - Name game (4:45)
Day 4 - Over Under (2:45)
Day 5 - Enrichment (2:53)
Day 7 - Feet Up (4:19)
Day 9 - Sound desensitisation (2:20)
Day 10 - Side Step (6:25)
Day 11 - Food follow (5:09)
Day 12 - Go Fly Shaped (11:20)
Day 15 - Leg weave (5:11)
Day 16 - Puppy impulse (3:23)
Day 17 - Attention noise (3:51)
Day 18 - All feet on (3:55)
Day 19 - Rear feet on (10:57)
Day 20 - Hide n Seek Toys (6:46)
Day 22 - Middle Handling (7:26)
Day 23 - I love my collar grab (5:04)
Day 24 - Noisy Pit (3:17)
Day 25 - Toy Switch (7:41)
Day 26 - Coin Target (11:54)
Day 27 - Confidence Building DMT (9:21)
Day 28 - Engaged Dog (6:24)
Day 29 - Food Follow Advanced (6:49)
Day 30 - Left & Right (6:27)
Enrichment - Do a bit of this everyday
Novel Enrichment (4:02)
Cardboard Enrichment (2:58)
Hide n Seek Toys (6:46)
Noisy Pit (3:17)
Building confidence
Co-operative Care & Handling Games
Bucket Game Step 1 (7:06)
Bucket Game Step 2 (5:41)
Lie Flat (6:53)
Middle Handling (7:26)
I love my collar grab (5:04)
Lecture - Harness Desensitisation (2:30)
Dig - foundations for scratch board (3:34)
Dig - Scratch pad for claw trimming (3:37)
Show teeth (5:12)
Cone game / muzzle training (3:44)
24 Day Xmas Challenge
Day 1 Feet Up (2:56)
Day 2 Touch (3:28)
Day 3 Go Fly (4:09)
Day 8 - Cone Game Co-operative Care (3:44)
Day 9 - Attention Game (2:30)
Day 10 - Close the door (4:10)
Day 12 - Middle Retrieve (4:26)
Day 13 - Bucket Game Part 1 Co-operative Care (7:06)
Day 14 - Fetch The Keys (7:37)
Day 15 - Dig / Wipe Paws (3:34)
Day 18 - Leg Weave
Day 19 - Bucket Game Part 2 Co-operative Care (5:41)
Day 20 - Lie Flat Co-operative Care
Day 21 - Scratch Claws Co-operative Care (3:37)
Day 23 - Chin Rest - Co-operative Care (6:27)
Day 24 - Thoughtful Heeling (5:39)
Touch (6:23)
Coin target (11:54)
Touch object (4:57)
Close door with nose (12:47)
Touch n Go (8:20)
Toy Story Tricks
Gotcha! (Play dead) (7:00)
There's a snake in my boots! (Crawl) (12:37)
But I don't wanna use my head! (Snoot) (7:04)
I was going for fearsome here, but I just don't feel it (Teeth) (5:12)
Run like the wind Bullseye! (Send away) (7:05)
Be Happy! (Wag tail) (6:29)
The Claw! (Pickup named toy) (8:02)
To Infinity & Beyond! (Wall stand) (2:31)
No sign of intelligent life anywhere (find me) (4:04)
He's not lost, not anymore (Hide n Seek) (6:24)
You're like me, Trash! (Get in a box) (15:52)
Shaping Games
Get in a box (15:52)
Walk backwards (8:41)
Shaping spin (15:11)
Shaping tunnel (6:20)
Bow (16:24)
Pedestal spin (14:52)
But I don't wanna use my head! (Snoot)
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